Monday, April 22, 2024

sidii aannu ujabnay

In badan oo inagamidi, waxaa laga yaabaa inaanay garanayn waxa iskukeen diray, eennu iskunacnay ama iskunecbaannay. 
Markii aannu xukun-hoosaadka helnay, ee xornimada laynoo diyaarinayey, dadkii faradheerta ahaa ama lama goodlaha, 10% magaalo kamajoogin. Qabiilooyin waaweyn oo hadda layaqaanno, hebel iyo hebel ayaa magaalo kajoogay, oo yaqaannay sida magaalo loogu noolaado. Waxaa jira Qabiil inta layiri Xildhibaan keensada, qof soobaxa laga waayey, illaa inta hebel iyo hebel farta lagu fiiqay, laga baryey iney reerka metelaan, loona duceeyo, halka qaboillo kale ay iskasoo sharraxeen deegaanno aanay Ab iyo Isir toona ulahayn, oo dadka deegaankaasu layaabbanaayen iimaan la'aanta kudhacdy reer hebel, waayo dadkuba magaranayn waxa laraadinayo, iyo dawladnimo toona. 
Faradheertu waxay ahaayeen cidda kaliya ee Xornimo raadinaysay, iyagoo kaalmo kahelaya waxoogaa Reer Banaadir ah, culimmo qaaddiriyo ah iyo Soomaali ilbax ahayd, oo Reer Cadmeed ahaa. Soomaali badan ayaa Cadan waxkubaratay, kuwo badanna gumaystihii Ingiriiska ee Cadan haystay ayey shaqaale u ahaayeen, inkastoo ay reer Waqooyi ubadnaayeen, badankoodna waa soonoqdeen markii gobanimada laqaatay. Fanka Soomaalida casrigaa oo dhami Cadan ayuu ka imaaday, halkaasoo Cuudka ama kaban ka laga tumijirey.
Dhaqaale ahaan, faradheertu dalka waxba kumalahayn, marka lagareebo tuulooyin yar-yar oo xeebaha kuyaallay, waxaana dadka ugu ilbaxsanaa macaashley waxoogaa dhar iyo raashina Cadan iyo Hindiya kakeeni jirey. Dadka Ilbaxaa ee Soomaalidu waxay ahaayeen kuwo dalka soodegay, xilliyadii Islaamku soobaxay, kuwaasoo dhulka xewbahaa degay, Soomaalidana aan kumilmin. 
Soomaalidana aan kasheekaynayaa waa kuwa aan ka imaaday, ee xoolo-raacatada ah, ee Waranka dheer iyo labada go' ee cad-cad xiran jirey, gaashaanka kasamaysan haragga Wiyisha ee lamagdiyeyna dhudhunka usurnaan jirey. Waxay ahaayeen dagaal ujoog, waayo badan soojirey, oo ummado badan halligay. Waxaase aad loogaranayaa xilliyadii ay Islaameen, magacyada Carabiga ay labaxeen, badankoodna ay doorsoomeen, oo dhaqammadii adkaa ay katageen, markii layiri Ilaahey ma ogola in dhiigga xoolaha laxabbo, inkastoo ay dhicii xoolaha kahariwaayeen illaa maanta. 
Soomaalidaas aan kuusheegayo hanti aan xoolo-nool ahayn maanay haysan, geelubu hawgu dhumuc waynaadee. 
Dadkii noocaas ahaa, markii xornimada lasiiyey, wax dhaqaale ah oo ay dawlad kumaamulaan maanay haysan, waxaana hanti u ahaa waxoogaa canshuura oo laga qaado Moos ay ganacsato Talyaani ahi dhoofsato, warshado dhawra oo ganacsato Talyaani ahi ay lahaayeen, waxoogaa dukaammo ah ee Reer Banaadir lahaayeen, iyo suuqyada xoolaha iyo kuwa khudaarta. Suuqa horumarinta Reer Yurub ayaa iyaguna waxoogaa miisaaniyad ah kukabi jirtay. 
Waxaa kaleeto oo dawladdii curdankaahyd lagu caawiyey iskuullo, arday waxoogaa ahna waxbarasho dibadeed ayaa nalakasiiyey. Waxoogaa bilays iyo shaqaale dawladeed ahna waa laqaatay. 
Intaas ayeyba ahayd Dawladnimadii Soomaaliyed ee aan qaadannay, oo ay hoggaaminayaan xoolaleydii Faradheerta ee waqooyi iyo goballada dhexe ka imaaday, iyadoo dadkii reer koonfureedka ahaa, ee beeralayda ubadnaa, aanay aad ugaqayb-qaadan siyaasaddii Faradheerta ee waallayd. 
Durbadiiba khilaaf siyaaaadeed ayaa bilawday, iyadoo laysku qabsaday nacfigii yaraa ee jirey iyo kuraastii laysku baryijirey. Reer waqooyi oo kusoobiiray koonfurta oo waxoogaa nacfi ahi yaallay, waxay bilaabeen iney kashallaayaan midawgii labada gobol oo ay iyagu sabab u ahaayeen, waxayna kudoodeen in laga qadiyey Caanihii Maandeeq, ee ay Xamar keeneen, markiibana saraakiil reer waqooyi ah ayaa afgambi iskudeyey. 
Todobada sano kadib xornimadii dooroshooyin ayaa dhacay, kuwaasoo laqabtay xilligii aan dhashay, anigaan idinla hadlayaa, laba sano kadib, anigoo aan weli socod baran, waxaa ladily madaxweynihii Jamhuuriyadda, waddankiina waxaa ka dhacay qalalaase siyaasadeed, koox ciidammo ah, oo hoos iskalasocday, ayaana taladii dalka lawareegay. Doorashadii madaxweynaha lagu dilay waxaa loobaxshay Wood-khasaary, ciidamadiina jihadii waddanku usocdy oo dhan ayey beddeleen, waxayna keeneen Hantiwadaag, ama Communism, oo ahayd fikrad uu Ruushku faafiyey, dalal badan laga hirgaliyey, markii dambana laburburiyey, isagii iyo dalalkii qaatayba. Maanta Shiinaha ayaa waxoogaa kaga dhaqma. Waa nidaam ay dawladdu waxwaliba ay leedahy, dadkuna ay shaqaale yihiin. 
Lagasoobilaabo Xornimadii, Somalia cadaw ayey yeelatay; dalalkii deriska ee xoogga kuhaystay dhulalkii Soomaliyed, kuwaasoo kabaqayey siyaasaddii SYL ee Soomaaliweyn, taasoo ahayd in Soomaali meel laysugu keeno, waana calaamadda Calank buluuggaa ee shanta gees leh, ee utaagan Shantii Soomaaliyed ee gumaysigu uqaybiyey dalweynihii ummadda Soomaaliyeed xornimada ugu noolayd kumanaanka sano. Waxaa keeto cadaawadda ugu weyn uqaaday Jamhuuriyaddii curdanka ahayd boqortooyadii Ingiriiska, ee SYL kahiillisay, markii ay doorteen in Talyaanigu Xornimo gaarsiin doono, Qaramada midoobina ogolaatay. Ingiriisku wuxuu xilligaas gacanta kuhayey afar kamida Shantii gobol ee dhulkii Soomaaliyed, SYL na waxay doonteen Talyaani oo dagaalkii labaad kujabay, Koonfurta Somaliyana uu Ingiriis kaqabsaday. Khaladkii siyaasadeed ee Abid ay xoolalaydii Soomaaliyeed ay sameeyaan ayuu ahaa, boqortooyadii Ingiriiskuna waxay islamarkiiba bilawday iney majaxaabiso dawladdii curdanka ahayd, 1961 diina waxay bilawday iney maalgaliso ururkii Irirsamaale, ee ay Ismaaciil Jimcaale iyo Ina Ibrahim Cigaal ay samewyeen, silooga horyimaado xukunka Daaroodka, waa sida ay faafiyeene. 
Boqortooyadii Ingiriisku waxy ahayd dawladdii ugu horrysay, illaa iyo maanta faragalinta xun kuhaya Somalia, si aakhirka khariiradda looga waayo Somalia. Ingiriisku wuxuu maalgalintii ugu weynayd kubixiyey Jamhadihii SSDF, iyo SNM, sida uu qoray kornayl Cawil, oo xilligaa safiir ka ahaa Nairobi, AUN Abdilahi Yusuf Ahmed waxaa saldhig ugasameeyey Itoobiya sirdoonkii M16 ee Ingiriiska, maalgalintii ugu horraysay ee caalami ahna usameeyey. Abdillaahi Yusuf waxaa lasiiyey Taangiyo waaweyn, nimankii aqoonyahannada ahaa ee Jamhadda abuurayna waa la eryey. Abdillahi Yusuf wuxuu ogaa in SNM doonayso iney dalka kalaqaybiso, waana waxyaabihii ay kukala tageen SSDF iyo SNM, aakhirkiina Abdillahi Yusuf looxiray, jamhaddiina kuburburtay. 
Waxyaabaha ugu waaweyn ee shacabka Soomaliyed markasta lagu kicinayey, illaa maanta waxay ahaayeen nacfixumo, iyo reer hebel ayaa waxkasta qaatay, Somaliyana wax dhaqaale oo lasoosaaray majiro, xoolaha nool oo waxoogaa suuq ah looga helay mooyaane. Warshado badan ayaa dalka laga dhisay, laakiin mid siwanagsan ushaqaysay laguma arko. Warshaddii Sonkorta ee Jowhar markii laga qaaday ganacsadii ganacsatadii Talyaaniga, faa'iido waa keeniwayday, iyada ayaana lakabijirey, waxaa iisheegay Injineer shaqaale ka ahaa. Warshaddii hilibka ee Kismayo, Ruushka ayaa mallaay kubeddelan jirey, injineerro Ruusha ayaa waday, hilibkeedana ciidamada xoogga ayaa lagu quudin jirey. Warshadii Sonkorta Mareerey, iyo mashruucii bariiska Mugambo, mardambe ayey ahaayeen, oo dalkiiba kala daatay. 
Khaladkii ugu weynaa ee kacaanku sameeyey waxay ahaayeen;
_dagaalkii uu Itoobiya lagalay,
_dagaalkii uu Isaaq iyo Majeerten lagalay, 
_dadkii siyaasiyiinta ahaa ee uu xidh-xidhay, qaarna laayey,
_iyo dadkii reer miyiga ahaa ee uu magaalooyinka kusooxareeyey, halkii uu noloshooda hagaajin lahaa, 
_Ruushkii uu eryey, iyadoo dalkuna uu shuuciyahay, oo Ingiriis iyo Maraykan uyeertay. 
Guud ahaan, dalkeennii wuxuu uburburay waa fakhri iyo dhaqaale xumo illaa iyo maanta taagan, marka laga reebo faragalinta xun ee reer galbeedka iyo Carabtu inagu hayaan illaa iyo maanta, illaa waagaas, dalalka Carabta oo hortaagnaa soosaarist shidaalka Somalia, illaa maanta, kuwaaaoo lacag qaaraana siiya wadaadada Wahaabiga, Siyaasiyiinta, hoggaamiyaasha dhaqanka iyo madaxda maamul-gobaleedyada. 
Fashilka siyaasadda iyo dhaqaalaha Somalia waxaa eeddeeda iskaleh Xoolalayda faradheer ama lamagoodlaha looyaqaanno, waana sababta ugu weyn ee dagaalamyaasha AS dagaalyahanndoodu ugu badan yihiin qabaa'ilka beeralayda reer koonfueeedka, kuwaasoo isu arka in siyaasadda Somalia lagu dulmiyey. 

This is just a personal Analysis, if you see it as a bias report, it was not intentional. I love all Somali clans, and I wish them success. The military junta of 1969 are the ones who taught me, and made me successful. They ruined our country, but many of them were truly Somali, and they believed Somalism. There were many bad and ugly ones too. That's why they failed us. 

Dalmar Aden, independent social Analyst and Consultant. SVA. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Taariikhdii Masaaridii hore

Taariikhdii Masaarida

From the Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt p. 328–331

“There is now a sufficient body of evidence from modern studies of skeletal remains to indicate that the ancient Egyptians, especially southern Egyptians, exhibited physical characteristics that are within the range of variation for ancient and modern indigenous peoples of the Sahara and tropical Africa. The distribution of population characteristics seems to follow a clinal pattern from south to north, which may be explained by natural selection as well as gene flow between neighboring populations. In general, the inhabitants of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the greatest biological affinity to people of the Sahara and more southerly areas.”

“Any interpretations of the biological affinities of the ancient Egyptians must be placed in the context of hypotheses informed by archaeological, linguistic, geographic or other data. In such contexts, the physical anthropological evidence indicates that early Nile Valley populations can be identified as part of an African lineage, but exhibiting local variation.“
Lovell, Nancy C. (1999). "Egyptians, physical anthropology of". In Bard, Kathryn A.; Shubert, Steven Blake (eds.). Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. London. pp. 328–331. ISBN 0415185890.


This quote from 1867 by a founding father of Egyptology Champollion-Figeac – “The first tribes that inhabited Egypt that is, the Nile Valley between the Syene cataracts and the sea, came from Abyssinia to Sennar. The ancient Egyptians belonged to a race quite similar to the Kennous or Barabras, present inhabitants of Nubia. In the Copts of Egypt, we do not find any of the characteristic features of the ancient Egyptian population. The Copts are the result of crossbreeding with all the nations that have successively dominated Egypt. It is wrong to seek in them the principal features of the old race.” From Letters published by Champollion-Figeac (Founding Egyptologist).

Safa Abdel-Kader Mohamed HAMED Manal Ahmed MAHER

"The microscopic results of sample no. 2 belonging to Yuya mummy show the color of the hair indicating the age of Yuya, with traces of a resinous material that doesn’t seem to adhere well to the hair shaft"-

"Raman spectrum of hair (Fig. 8) sample of Yuya (sample 4) indicated that the hair coated by traces of mastic resin"-

"small but significant changes in Raman spectra of mastic are detected in the analyzed hair samples due to the molecular changes that can happened because of aging and oxidation process. These molecular changes appear as the spectra disappear or decrease ascribed to the rapid oxidation of triterpenoids, while others increase in intensity suggesting presence of accumulation of the molecular modifications or oxidation products within the samples." -

"The Egyptians used mastic in embalming. It may have a religious significance even when used for embalming [37]. Although, there are several studies proving the presence of mastic resin among mummification materials [38-41], the results of this study lead to the suggestion that the hair has been coated with the resinous materials used in coating the entire body. Added to, mastic resin was used during mummification process notably mummification of royal mummies as early as the Second Intermediate Period. "

Studies made on the hair of mummies from Kushite mummies of South Sudan yielded similar results, essentially Nubian mummies.
Analysis of Hair Samples of Mummies from Semna South (Sudanese Nubia)-

"These fractures and areas of orange were more pronounced on hairs that had been bleached. Of nine Semna samples, all had a completely orange cuticle, with brighter orange high-lighting the cuticular structure, which was in-tact on all samples. Dehris clinging to the shaft was also bright orange. The cortex on all samples was greenish, except where the shaft was broken, which was orange. Hair which
was blond or "bleached" appearing (M048,
M061, M205, M228) fluoresced identically to the brown samples (M069,M098, M107, M188, M246). Macroscopically the hair was in gen-erally good condition, with approximately one percent of the shafts damaged. Eight of the 76 samples had debris clinging to the shafts; the remainder were relatively clean. Two of the samples were braided.

Qualitative grading of the samples on the
Fischer-Saller scale is shown in table 1.Samples that were graded on the red scale (I-VI)for degree of red pigmentation were also graded on the blond-brown-black scale (A-Y)
for degree of black pigmentation. Twenty-six percent (29% of the Meroitic, 13%of the X-group) of the total sample had some red pigmentation, and 10.5% (8.9 Meroitic, 13% X-group) had "blond" pigmentation (Fischer-Saller category G or less)."

"Hair keratin is remarkably stable due to
cross-chain disulfide linkages. However, pro longed exposure to harsh conditions will alter the keratin. The Semna samples were in contact with sand for over a thousand years, and hence were a t risk for oxidation of the protein molecules. There undoubtedly was some oxidation, as shown by t h e aggregation of the protein on electrophoresis and the orange fluores-cence of the cuticle by fluorescence microscopy. However, the cortex did not have this oxidized pattern, unlike samples from Egypt examined by Brothwell and Spearman ,which fluoresced orange throughout."



Analysis of Hair Samples of Mummies from Semna South (Sudanese Nubia) (HRDY 1978).pdf

Analysis of Hair Samples of Mummies from Semna South (Sudanese Nubia) DANIEL B. HRDY ' Department o f Anthropology, Haruard Universrty, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. KEY WORDS Hair analysis . Hair form Nubia. - Meroitics. Mummy hair. . ABSTRACT. Hair samples from 76 burials at Semna South ...

Estimates of living stature, based on X-ray measurements applied to the Trotter & Gleser (1958) negro equations for the femur, tibia and humerus, have been made for ancient Egyptian kings belonging to the 18th and 19th dynasties. The corresponding equations for whites give values for stature that are unsatisfactorily high. The view that Thutmose III was excessively short is proved to be a myth. It is shown that the limbs of the pharaohs, like those of other Ancient Egyptians, had negroid characteristics, in that the distal segments were relatively long in comparison with the proximal segments. An exception was Ramesses II, who appears to have had short legs below the knees.

The physical proportions and living stature of New Kingdom pharaohs

The physical proportions and living stature of New Kingdom pharaohs

There are very few available sources on the origins of Ababda. All western sources agree that the Ababda are a major subdivision of the Beja people, who are an ancient Cushitic people. The Beja have dwelt in the Nubian Desert across Egypt, Sudan, and parts of Ethiopia since times immemorial, and are closely related to the ancient Egyptians. This is manifested by their distinct resemblance to surviving depictions of predynastic Egyptian.

However, regional and local sources trace the lineage of current Ababda to the Arabian Peninsula. They cite El-Zobeir Ibn El-Awwam, Prophet Mohammed’s cousin, as an ancestor to the people who spread to the Eastern Desert and settled between the Nile Valley and Red Sea south of Quseir, and from whom current Ababda descend.

This distinction sets the Ababda apart from the Bishari, the major Beja subgroup in the south of the Egyptian Nubian Desert. The distinction is both ethnic and cultural. The Ababda are more predominantly Arab Semite than Cushitic, they speak Arabic, although they have retained elements of the Beja language and customs to an extent, and they are Sunni Muslim. This is opposed to the Bishari, their southern neighbors, whose features are more pronouncedly Cushitic, are bilingual in Beja and Arabic, and are Sufi Muslim. A nomadic pastoral people, the culture of the Ababda has always been shaped by the environment and nature of the Eastern Desert and Wadi El-Gemal. Since the beginning of time, they have grazed their camels and cattle in the more fertile valleys, and also relied on fishing from the sea.

The desertification of the area inhabited by the Ababda began some 5,000 years ago. Before that rivers flowed through it, and it was vegetated by forests and inhabited by animals such as elephants, rhinos, and giraffes. Archaeological evidence shows a continuity of the way of life of its neolithic inhabitants all the way to the peoples who dwelt there during the time of Arab rule. In antiquity, Ababda got in contact and found work with the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who were drawn to their area to quarry the mineral-rich mines. As far back as 1300 B.C., Ancient Egyptians mined the Eastern Desert for precious metal and stones, most prominently gold and emerald.

In 275 B.C., Ptolemy II, founded the port city of Berenice to import elephants from Africa to use in wars. The city developed into a large trade centre in the Roman period. And many roads were constructed to connect Berenice to Nile Valley cities as far north as current-day Ashmun (to the ancient city of Antinopolis, founded by Hadrian in 130 A.D.). Never conquered or assimilated into the Nile Valley civilizations, and ever the desert dwelling people, the Ababda often served as miners and guards for excavation operations, and as trackers and guides to the trade caravan routes in the area. Remnants of these activities bear witness to that period to this day. Most famously the Sukait Temple, Roman emerald mines and their facilities, as well as parts of the ancient Roman roads.

In the 15th century, they were absorbed into Islam by intermarriage and trade relations with incoming Muslim Arab tribes. During this period, the Ababda most prominently convoyed pilgrims from the Nile Valley to the port of Aidhab – an ancient port located in current-day Halayeb, and from which pilgrims would embark to Jeddah on their way to Mecca

From the Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt p. 328–331

“There is now a sufficient body of evidence from modern studies of skeletal remains to indicate that the ancient Egyptians, especially southern Egyptians, exhibited physical characteristics that are within the range of variation for ancient and modern indigenous peoples of the Sahara and tropical Africa. The distribution of population characteristics seems to follow a clinal pattern from south to north, which may be explained by natural selection as well as gene flow between neighboring populations. In general, the inhabitants of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the greatest biological affinity to people of the Sahara and more southerly areas.”

“Any interpretations of the biological affinities of the ancient Egyptians must be placed in the context of hypotheses informed by archaeological, linguistic, geographic or other data. In such contexts, the physical anthropological evidence indicates that early Nile Valley populations can be identified as part of an African lineage, but exhibiting local variation.“
Lovell, Nancy C. (1999). "Egyptians, physical anthropology of". In Bard, Kathryn A.; Shubert, Steven Blake (eds.). Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. London. pp. 328–331. ISBN 0415185890.


This quote from 1867 by a founding father of Egyptology Champollion-Figeac – “The first tribes that inhabited Egypt that is, the Nile Valley between the Syene cataracts and the sea, came from Abyssinia to Sennar. The ancient Egyptians belonged to a race quite similar to the Kennous or Barabras, present inhabitants of Nubia. In the Copts of Egypt, we do not find any of the characteristic features of the ancient Egyptian population. The Copts are the result of crossbreeding with all the nations that have successively dominated Egypt. It is wrong to seek in them the principal features of the old race.” From Letters published by Champollion-Figeac (Founding Egyptologist).

Safa Abdel-Kader Mohamed HAMED Manal Ahmed MAHER

"The microscopic results of sample no. 2 belonging to Yuya mummy show the color of the hair indicating the age of Yuya, with traces of a resinous material that doesn’t seem to adhere well to the hair shaft"-

"Raman spectrum of hair (Fig. 8) sample of Yuya (sample 4) indicated that the hair coated by traces of mastic resin"-

"small but significant changes in Raman spectra of mastic are detected in the analyzed hair samples due to the molecular changes that can happened because of aging and oxidation process. These molecular changes appear as the spectra disappear or decrease ascribed to the rapid oxidation of triterpenoids, while others increase in intensity suggesting presence of accumulation of the molecular modifications or oxidation products within the samples." -

"The Egyptians used mastic in embalming. It may have a religious significance even when used for embalming [37]. Although, there are several studies proving the presence of mastic resin among mummification materials [38-41], the results of this study lead to the suggestion that the hair has been coated with the resinous materials used in coating the entire body. Added to, mastic resin was used during mummification process notably mummification of royal mummies as early as the Second Intermediate Period. "

Studies made on the hair of mummies from Kushite mummies of South Sudan yielded similar results, essentially Nubian mummies.
Analysis of Hair Samples of Mummies from Semna South (Sudanese Nubia)-

"These fractures and areas of orange were more pronounced on hairs that had been bleached. Of nine Semna samples, all had a completely orange cuticle, with brighter orange high-lighting the cuticular structure, which was in-tact on all samples. Dehris clinging to the shaft was also bright orange. The cortex on all samples was greenish, except where the shaft was broken, which was orange. Hair which
was blond or "bleached" appearing (M048,
M061, M205, M228) fluoresced identically to the brown samples (M069,M098, M107, M188, M246). Macroscopically the hair was in gen-erally good condition, with approximately one percent of the shafts damaged. Eight of the 76 samples had debris clinging to the shafts; the remainder were relatively clean. Two of the samples were braided.

Qualitative grading of the samples on the
Fischer-Saller scale is shown in table 1.Samples that were graded on the red scale (I-VI)for degree of red pigmentation were also graded on the blond-brown-black scale (A-Y)
for degree of black pigmentation. Twenty-six percent (29% of the Meroitic, 13%of the X-group) of the total sample had some red pigmentation, and 10.5% (8.9 Meroitic, 13% X-group) had "blond" pigmentation (Fischer-Saller category G or less)."

"Hair keratin is remarkably stable due to
cross-chain disulfide linkages. However, pro longed exposure to harsh conditions will alter the keratin. The Semna samples were in contact with sand for over a thousand years, and hence were a t risk for oxidation of the protein molecules. There undoubtedly was some oxidation, as shown by t h e aggregation of the protein on electrophoresis and the orange fluores-cence of the cuticle by fluorescence microscopy. However, the cortex did not have this oxidized pattern, unlike samples from Egypt examined by Brothwell and Spearman ,which fluoresced orange throughout."



Analysis of Hair Samples of Mummies from Semna South (Sudanese Nubia) (HRDY 1978).pdf
Analysis of Hair Samples of Mummies from Semna South (Sudanese Nubia) DANIEL B. HRDY ' Department o f Anthropology, Haruard Universrty, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. KEY WORDS Hair analysis . Hair form Nubia. - Meroitics. Mummy hair. . ABSTRACT. Hair samples from 76 burials at Semna South ...

Estimates of living stature, based on X-ray measurements applied to the Trotter & Gleser (1958) negro equations for the femur, tibia and humerus, have been made for ancient Egyptian kings belonging to the 18th and 19th dynasties. The corresponding equations for whites give values for stature that are unsatisfactorily high. The view that Thutmose III was excessively short is proved to be a myth. It is shown that the limbs of the pharaohs, like those of other Ancient Egyptians, had negroid characteristics, in that the distal segments were relatively long in comparison with the proximal segments. An exception was Ramesses II, who appears to have had short legs below the knees.

The physical proportions and living stature of New Kingdom pharaohs
The physical proportions and living stature of New Kingdom pharaohs

There are very few available sources on the origins of Ababda. All western sources agree that the Ababda are a major subdivision of the Beja people, who are an ancient Cushitic people. The Beja have dwelt in the Nubian Desert across Egypt, Sudan, and parts of Ethiopia since times immemorial, and are closely related to the ancient Egyptians. This is manifested by their distinct resemblance to surviving depictions of predynastic Egyptian.

However, regional and local sources trace the lineage of current Ababda to the Arabian Peninsula. They cite El-Zobeir Ibn El-Awwam, Prophet Mohammed’s cousin, as an ancestor to the people who spread to the Eastern Desert and settled between the Nile Valley and Red Sea south of Quseir, and from whom current Ababda descend.

This distinction sets the Ababda apart from the Bishari, the major Beja subgroup in the south of the Egyptian Nubian Desert. The distinction is both ethnic and cultural. The Ababda are more predominantly Arab Semite than Cushitic, they speak Arabic, although they have retained elements of the Beja language and customs to an extent, and they are Sunni Muslim. This is opposed to the Bishari, their southern neighbors, whose features are more pronouncedly Cushitic, are bilingual in Beja and Arabic, and are Sufi Muslim. A nomadic pastoral people, the culture of the Ababda has always been shaped by the environment and nature of the Eastern Desert and Wadi El-Gemal. Since the beginning of time, they have grazed their camels and cattle in the more fertile valleys, and also relied on fishing from the sea.

The desertification of the area inhabited by the Ababda began some 5,000 years ago. Before that rivers flowed through it, and it was vegetated by forests and inhabited by animals such as elephants, rhinos, and giraffes. Archaeological evidence shows a continuity of the way of life of its neolithic inhabitants all the way to the peoples who dwelt there during the time of Arab rule. In antiquity, Ababda got in contact and found work with the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who were drawn to their area to quarry the mineral-rich mines. As far back as 1300 B.C., Ancient Egyptians mined the Eastern Desert for precious metal and stones, most prominently gold and emerald.

In 275 B.C., Ptolemy II, founded the port city of Berenice to import elephants from Africa to use in wars. The city developed into a large trade centre in the Roman period. And many roads were constructed to connect Berenice to Nile Valley cities as far north as current-day Ashmun (to the ancient city of Antinopolis, founded by Hadrian in 130 A.D.). Never conquered or assimilated into the Nile Valley civilizations, and ever the desert dwelling people, the Ababda often served as miners and guards for excavation operations, and as trackers and guides to the trade caravan routes in the area. Remnants of these activities bear witness to that period to this day. Most famously the Sukait Temple, Roman emerald mines and their facilities, as well as parts of the ancient Roman roads.

In the 15th century, they were absorbed into Islam by intermarriage and trade relations with incoming Muslim Arab tribes. During this period, the Ababda most prominently convoyed pilgrims from the Nile Valley to the port of Aidhab – an ancient port located in current-day Halayeb, and from which pilgrims would embark to Jeddah on their way to Mecca

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Damjadiid waa siyaasiyiintii samaysmay Soomaalinimadii kadib. Markii Xamar lagu Kala cararay, ama lagu Kala adkaaday, Xamar waxaa isugu sooharay beelo gooniya, kuwaasoo gacanta kudhigay wax Allaale wixii latabcayey 100 sannadood iyo kabadan, awooddii dhammayd ee dalkuna gacanta ayey ugashay, maadaama oo dalku uu madax-kanool ahaa, oo Muqdisho kaliya lagaliyey wax Allaale wixii Soomaali ay maan iyo maskax haysay. Nasiib-darro, kumaysan guulaysan iney Soomaali dib isugu sooceliyaan, ama maba aysan doonayn in dib laysugu soonoqdo, waayo, dadkaan haddiiba lasoo celinayo, maxaa loo eryayey, taniyo maantana meeshii 1991 kii ayaa lakala taagan yahay, inkastoo dagaalladii tooska ahaa aanay hadda socon. 
1991, haddii qabiillo gooni ahi ay Xamar kaqaxeen, dadkii reer magaalka ahaa oo dhan, qabiilkii ay doonaan ha ahaadeene, ayaa Xamar isaga qaxay, markii ay waayeen adeegyadii dawladnimo ee ay ubarteen. Dadkii reer miyiga ahaa, ee kasoo orday tuulooyinka fog-fog, waxay fursad uheleen iney lawareegaan heerarka kaladuwan ee nolosha, haddii ay amni, ganacsi, siyaasad iyo waxbarashaba ay tahay, iyagoo kafaa'idaysanaya qaybihii caaddifiinta ahaa beelahooda. 
Damjadiid waa koox-siyaasadeedkii kasoo dhex baxay burburkii Muqdisho, dhimashadii Soomaalinimada, Waddaniyadda iyo dammiirkii ummaddu ay lahayd kadib. Waxay rumaysan yihiin in Soomaalida lasheegayaba ay iyaga yihiin, bulshada intooda kaleeto oo dhami ay yihiin danaystayaal, ummadda dulsaar ku ah. Waxay rumaysan yihiin in Soomaalidu ay Xamar kuqasban yahay, Federaalkuna uu yahay nidaam lagu goosanayo awood ay Xamar lahayd, oo aan sharci ahayn. Waxay kaleeto oo rumaysan yihiin in goballada oo dhan xoog lagu hooskeeni karo Muqdisho. Qaar badan oo iyaga kamida ayaa rumaysan inaan Muqdisho la'aabteed aanay nololi jirikarin, Puntlynna ay tahay dhul qorfe ah, oon nololi suurtogal ka ahayn, siyaasiyiintooduna meelkale aanay kunoolaan karin, Muqdisho maahee.
Inkastoo ay jiraan siyaasiyiin badan oo xog-ogaal ah, kooxdana kamid ah, iney maslaxaddooda ilaashadaan ayey kadoorbideen, iney runta sheegaan. Siyaasiyiinta da'da yar, ee kooxda kamid ahi, waxay kaliya oo fahmaan siyaasaddooda, ama tan xisbiga, wax dookh ama Option ah oo ay leeyihiin majirto, sidii xisbiyadii hantiwadaagga oo kaleeto, gar iyo gardarraba, iyaga ayaa islaqumman. 
Waxaan halkaan kaxusayaa siyaasiga CCW, oo jaalkiisa ama kooxdii uu muddo kamid ahaa, ama iskufikirka ahaayeen, ugadigay, cawaaqib xumada siyaasadaha indhahala' ee damjadiid. Kolleyba waa caqli iyo aqoon uu dadka dheeryahay, waana sidii Nebi Muuse, CS, uu tolkiis reer banu Israa'iil wanaagga ugu yeerayey, ayna kujees-jeeseen. Guul ayaan ayaan urajaynaa. Tolkaa waxaanay ogayn in haddii Soomaali kala dhilqato, oon ninna nin ugargaarin, ninna uuna bedbaadayn, awoodda Muqdishana ay ka imaato beelaha fog-fog ee hareeraha, marka kuwa deegaanku hafadaan! 

Dalmar Aden Seed, SVA.